Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Klein, Daniel B., and Jason Briggeman. "Conservative magazines and the presumption of liberty: a content analysis on sex, gambling, and drugs." Independent Review 14.2 (2009) : 289+. Academic OneFile. Web. 20 Dec. 2009.

Kropp, Phoebe. "Wilderness wives and dishwashing husbands: comfort and the domesticarts of camping in America, 1880-1910." Journal of Social History 43.1 (2009). 5+. Academic OneFile. Web. 20 Dec. 2009.

Lorber, Judith. "Shifts in Paradigms and Challenging Categories." Academic OneFile. Web. 16 Dec. 2009.

Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner Paperback Fiction , 1995. Print.